Pic of the Day

to the
Lost and Found Dept.

In the course of searches through my files, digital and analog, ancient and recent, I often unearth some hitherto forgotten or neglected image that makes me smile.

Either for their content, photographic merit or for their sentimental significance, I’m creating an archive for these lost souls.

Here then is a halfway house for the orphans, the accidents, the resurrected and the likeable runts of the litter.

Their only common denominator is that I didn’t really know what else to do except share them; there’s no chronology, no connection between successive posts, but I’ll keep adding to them….until the cows come home.

Bahman cattle, dawn fog, Sinaloa


(or the horse)

equine city living, Taxco, Mexico


(or the sheep)

sheep transport, Bishop, Ca.


On the occasion celebrating Lynne Bairstow’s Pluma de Plata award at Gil and Lucy’s. (with Laura & Wayne, Claudia, Coco, Bonnie, Trish, Rogelio and me) 1999?


The kitchen at Trio Restaurant. PV Mexico


yoga in the courtyard of Casa Las Palmas II (De Yturbe architect)


hanging by a thread 12 floors off the deck. Hotel NJ, Mexico, DF


Piñatero needs a hands-free phone…


the skyroad to iztaccihuatl-popocatapetl, Mexico


whimsy on a house photoshoot, Mexico City, DF


kin and campfire, Jalisco, Mexico


Port Davey, Tasmania


La Familia CorderoMartiniFigueroaAuresteguiGooch after a swim
kapalua, maui, hawaii (molokai in background)


Fashion accessory photoshoot with Alexandra, owner of Mosaiqe. Punta Mita, 2001


burningman balloons


Connie on the occasion of her 90th birthday with friend Barbarita who I caught at an unfortunate moment but one which begged for a caption.


The hat I just bought gets a final brush at Helmer’s in Portland.


Under the overpass, Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico


Cooling off at Austin City Limits Music Festival 2007


Anibal relaxes with dolphin



poppies and smokering – Burningman 2008


The Millenium Bug
During a layover at LAX in 2000, this brand new VW beetle was alone on the rooftop parking lot. The mothership beyond that it mimics is the Jetsonesque skyport restaurant. I made a feeble attempt to sell it to VW but they weren’t buying.


Somewhere in Oregon


everywhere in mexico. La Virgen de Guadalupe

Electrical storms are one (and the only?) good and exciting thing about summer life in Puerto Vallarta. This strike hit the water right in front of the hotel zone. Shot from my street in Amapas towards downtown PV.

The Smoothie bus at Kahakuloa on the scenic north coast road on Maui, Hawai’i.


Home sweet home. Sydney CBD from the Harbour Bridge


Cantina las Perras, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. The sign by the door translates “No women in uniform or minors”

First frame through the lensbaby 3G


Cora Indians at a coffee plantation in Nayarit, Mexico

Happenstance was Burningman 2000; an artcar tribute to the DNA double helix complemented by a twirling dust devil.

Los Indios Tarahumara celebrate Easter with mud, dance, music, tejuino and sleeplessness. Las Barancas del Cobre (copper canyon) Chihuahua, Mexico.

Carlos Santana and his Mum going home to Autlán, Jalisco, 2002
In the pre-plastic glory days of tall ships, the henequen plant provided most of the world’s cordage. A handful of delapidated haciendas in the Yucatan peninsula still process the plant and produce the fibre. Hacienda Ake.

Seafood restaurant wallart, La Islote, Guayabitos, Mexico.

Sunset clifftop dinner set-up for two at Four Seasons Resort , Punta Mita, Mexico

Spiral staircase in Casa Mi Ojo, Careyes, Mexico

Mennonite father and his children, Campeche, Mexico

(above and below) Murals, La Habana, Cuba


Banksia. Floral poker dots of the Sydney bushland.


Me, trying to put some life into yet another silent architectural scene.

Bananaboat ride, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico


Classic Americana diner decor. Salida, Colorado


One of the quasi-religious parades leading up to La Feria San Marcos in Aguascalientes. More at http://www.callananphoto.com/aguascalientes/

what a sad indictment of modern vallarta….I think this is the same woodpecker I found at my doorstep as a fledgling just after they’d started to clear the adjacent lot to make way for another condo tower. I nursed it and released it and watched it fly downhill back to its roost. Four months later there are metal and concrete towers where the huamuchil tree of its birthplace used to be. It’s hard not to be anthropomorphic and suggest that its thought at this moment was “wtf?”


This horse may well have had a similar thought….6th National Charro Championship, PV March ’08


Sydney Storm from North Head


A cuetero watches all his hard work go up in smoke and sparks as hundreds of interconnected fuses and gunpowder charges synchronise and give pyrotechnic life to a classic mexican fireworks castillo (tower).

The seawater baths on the southern end of Mazatlan’s loooong malecon. Very popular with the working class who know how to have fun for free.


This is about as busy as San Felipe ever gets.
Dawn patrol services the departing fishing fleet.(Yucatan)

End of the Line for the Skunk Train. Fort Bragg, Ca.

Cuatro cubanos contentos. Aguardiente-lubricated camaraderie.

EJW leap of faith at the science building. Eugene, Or.

Liverpool Mall (PV) carpark at midnight

This is my foto of Bob Gilbert’s painting of my foto. (and below, some extraordinary tilework designed by Anna the Pom in the house that Bob built at Akunamatata (near Tehuamixtle, Jalisco). The scorpion adorns the threshold, the carp swim in the rockpool.


Negative space. Max’s wigwam in the aspens. Colorado

Sneakin’ a peek inside the cantina. Merida, Yucatán

Study of chair and sculpture.

black and white roadside attractions – 1970 BMW 75/5 and cows


black and white roadside attractions, mexico style.


Point Arena lighthouse, Pug, Mustang


Garcia R first floor detail (with oil paint filter treatment)

Garcia R. forest floor detail with oil paint filter treatment.




Stay tuned




2 responses to “Pic of the Day”

  1. elizabeth Avatar

    more please. thank you.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Mark, eres un excelente fotografo, me encantan tus fotos. te felicito!

error: Photos are Copyright © Mark Callanan