My friend Adam, working his way into the video production business, was hired by the Marriott Hotel here in Puerto Vallarta to produce a new 30 minute in-house video. It needed to contain all the usual hotel services and facilities as well as some local tour options.
Adam wanted to start the program with an animated ‘welcome’ introduction and asked me to do so using my persona of local photographer as the thread for the 4 minute skit. We laced the video footage with images from my archive.
It was shot with a Canon XL2 camcorder and we did it all in one summer’s day, which at least partly explains my increasingly bedraggled appearance through the show!
So now, if you’re staying at the Marriott at Marina Vallarta and happen to turn on the telly , this is what you’ll see every 30 minutes!
(It’s a 10MB .mov file that will take a wee while to download)
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